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Methods on How to Reverse Diabetes Naturally

Tỉnh/Thành phốBắc Giang
Quốc giaVietnam

Of course, foods in the  The Chronic Kidney Disease Solution sugar group include candy, soda, cookies, brownies, cake, donuts, pie, ice cream, sports drinks, punch, sweetened fruit juices, high-fructose corn syrup, and anything similar I may have omitted.Eating these foods raises the blood sugar quickly, in a matter of minutes. In a non-diabetic, a rapid rise in blood sugar is countered by a rapid rise in insulin. However, with diabetes the blood sugar level and the insulin level may be mismatched. For diabetics taking oral medication, the pancreas does not respond quickly enough. For those on injections, the peak insulin level may not coincide with the peak sugar level. Not only may this yield high blood sugars, it may result in low readings as well, if the insulin peaks when the blood sugar is not elevated.

Few diabetics are aware that simple carbohydrates elevate the blood glucose as rapidly as sugar itself. Simple carbohydrates include white bread, white potatoes, white rice, breakfast cereal, instant oatmeal, pancakes, and waffles. Having a few slices of toasted Wonder bread or a cup of instant oatmeal for breakfast doesn’t sound bad until you realize that this has the same effect as eating a candy bar.So the first reason to avoid certain foods is to regulate the blood sugar. However, there are important reasons why diabetics should avoid other foods.High calorie foods tend to cause weight gain, and include foods not only high in sugar, but high in fat as well. Certain “diabetic” foods may be sugar-free but high in fat. Since most adult diabetics need to watch their weight, monitoring the amount of calories and fat in the diet is important.

07/10/2020 15:30

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