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A Powerful Mantra to Connect Your Soul to the Divine

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Then again, we might  The Medici Code just be hearing ghosts, ET’s or inter-dimensionals such as Shadow People crashing around in the house. Ghosts can be simply images and situations of trauma recorded and replayed due to magnetic fluctuations OR they can be interactive, leaving evidence of their presence on audio or video recorders.

ET’s extra-terrestrials or inter-dimensionals could be US in other dimensions or other time periods, or they could be other beings who choose to interact with us. Scientists say that our dimension is only about 1/10 of a hertz separated from countless other dimensions and it is theorized that we actually exist in many other dimensions at once…that sure would explain a lot of things, right.

17/10/2020 14:30

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Lyla Zarella

Listing Owner Member Since: 12/05/2020
