People with type 1 diabetes don’t Frontline Diabetes produce any insulin in their bodies and therefore must have insulin injections to utilize glucose. Type 2 diabetics have cells that are resistant to insulin’s normal action and so the story is much more complex. So, in type 2 diabetes the body produces insulin, often in greatly excessive amounts.Unfortunately high insulin levels can cause your kidneys to preserve sodium (salt). When your body starts to retain sodium, it starts to retain water as well. This also means your heart needs to pump this extra fluid through your body… this added stress to your heart leads to high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease. It could be one of the reasons people who suffer with type 2 diabetes end up having more heart attacks.I know the time value of the reader, so without involving you in the details of definition and causes of diabetes, I would like to jump straight in the 10 healthiest foods for diabetics.