Why Do We Overeat Then?This The Fat Cell Killer is such a huge question that I will tackle it in many future articles but I will say this to you now: you should only eat when you feel hungry. If you eat when you are not hungry then you are doing it only for pleasure and not because your body needs it, and often because you may be unhappy and are using the pleasure from food to escape your unhappiness briefly. Please think about it – overeating is not the answer to your problems and will only make them worse.A lot of people use pills to help them diet – I’ll show you in this article why they are bad for you and potentially deadly.When you need to lose weight, it is so tempting to go for an easy fix or a short cut. After all, it’s human nature to take the “line of least resistance”. This goes for anything and not just losing weight. This is why many people turn to diet pills – I advise you against it and you’ll shortly see why.