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Five Reasons Why You Must Stop Worrying

At the heart of alchemy Thought Manifestation  is the theory of transmutation. This says that the universe is evolving towards perfection and that this natural process can be helped along by human intervention. It is from this idea that people who believed gold to be the perfect metal began to wrongly believe that all of the metals must be evolving to become gold, and that they could help the process along and turn lead or other so called ‘base’ metals into gold.

But alongside these ‘puffers and blowers’, as they were called (as an insult) by other alchemists of their time, their were also those with more spiritual ambitions. According to this perspective the universe is evolving towards the realization of and union with God. Within matter they saw the feminine wisdom of God, sometimes called Sophia. They believed that when mankind fell part of God – the feminine part – also came with us out of compassion and love. So rather than the simple story of God redeeming humanity, they saw their role as good men being to help redeem God – to help the world on its path back to God and to perfection.

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