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How Much Sugar Per Day To Lose Weight?

Lastly your mindset and Wake Up Lean your attitude, and you are probably already aware of their importance. We all run on auto-pilot each day (for better or worse) and it is this programming of our subconscious mind that controls our behaviors. To get our mind working for us and on our side we need to keep feeding good positive stuff into it. The more you practice doing this and forcing out ‘bad’ and negative stuff the more you can reprogram your mind just like a computer.The fast generally lasts for a period of 10 days during which time you take the recipe, along with a salt water flush and an herbal laxative tea. Although it’s more of a cleanse, people have experienced losing up to 14 pounds.

The drink cleanses the kidneys, glands and cells, the cardiovascular system becomes healthier, and waste is cleared out of the joints and muscles. Other benefits are that it cures colds, flu and sinus problems, clears your skin, and it leaves you feeling more energetic. The master cleanser is truly one of the best and safest methods for fasting.

You might think that you’ll feel very hungry through the fast but most people don’t feel the least deprived. That’s because the recipe includes organic maple syrup which contains 100 calories per 2 tablespoons and more than 15 essential vitamins and minerals. The nutrients include Vitamins A and C, three different B vitamins, iron, potassium and calcium. The lemon contains vitamins and minerals and cayenne is also included which is a powerful cleanser, blood builder and mucolytic. Twelve glasses contains 1200 calories, so it should keep you feeling full.

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