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I would like to play with friends” is an argument

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“I would like to play with friends” is an argument that is not very convincing to WOW TBC Classic Gold not have balanced servers or Bg pools. In addition, making faction change possible, would mean they could join with their buddies as an alliance instead of playing as a horde.

Transferring servers isn’t easy. It is impossible to tell if the intended realm is as good as your previous and it doesn’t matter if there’s no queue, it could be a disaster and even dead world. Vanilla was the first time I’ve seen this occur. My guild was moved to a different server, and within some months, the population had dropped to just several hundred during high-traffic hours.

While it’s true that no one has been allowed to change characters their characters however, they could have if they felt the queues would be too long.

The arguments against server transfers are also relevant for switching sides. It is impossible to buy Burning Crusade Classic Gold know how many people will be able to support long-term raiding or other content. While there may be less waiting times, you’ll not be able fill every raid within some months. While it’s on the same server, each side has a completely different growth rate and mentality of players. How can side transfers help even if server transfers were not for mostly the same reasons (queue times)?

07/08/2021 13:03

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