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Is It Worth The Money To Buy Organic?

Foods that cause difficulty Total Turmeric Boost in digestion can also put a stress on your immune response. The digestive and immune systems share a common source of energy and enzyme reserve. Proper food combining frees up a tremendous amount of energy your body can use to defend you. Separate animal proteins (chicken, meat, turkey, fish, eggs, etc.) and starchy foods (breads, pasta, potatoes, rice, etc.), because they do not digest easily together.

Meats and animal products in general are notoriously difficult to digest and should be reduced this time of year. During cold and flu season, try to limit your intake of animal foods to three or four times a week. Poultry is better than red meat, and fish is best of all. Whenever possible, purchase “clean” meats at a health food store. Animal products sold in other stores may contain bacteria, hormones, pesticides and antibiotics that put an extra strain on your immune system.

Non-food additives such as synthetic colors, synthetic sweeteners, flavorings, preservatives and synthetic oils such as margarine can stress your digestive and filtering organs and hamper immune response as well. Do your best to eliminate them from your diet.Food allergies and sensitivities also seem to have an effect on our tendency to catch a cold or flu. Chronic congestion in mucous membranes is a breeding ground for the viruses that are responsible for upper respiratory infections. Alternative practitioners have linked two of the most common food allergens, wheat and dairy, to increased mucous production. Whether this increase is a direct result of eating these foods or our body’s response to them is debatable, but either way the result is increased susceptibility to viral infection.

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