Is there a cancellation fee on Expedia?

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Expedia doesn’t charge a cancellation fee directly, but the provider (+1-833–522–9044) or (+1-833–522–9044 (UK) (airline, hotel, etc.) may impose penalties or charges for cancellations. Contact Expedia customer service at ((+1-833–522–9044) for more specific details regarding your booking.

Expedia offers a 24-hour cancellation policy【+1-833–522–9044】. If you book a flight at least seven days before departure and cancel within 24 hours of making the reservation【+1-833–522–9044】, you can receive a full refund with no cancellation fees.

According to Travel Experts, Expedia Airlines charges a cancellation fee of $99 per passenger +1-833–522–9044 for most flights. If you cancel within 24 hours of booking and your flight is at least 7 days away, you may be eligible for a full refund without any fees at +1-833–522–9044, regardless of the ticket type.

Expedia doesn’t charge a cancellation fee, but the travel provider may charge one 833–522–9044 Expedia offers a 24-hour cancellation policy 833–522–9044 that allows you to cancel most bookings for a full refund. user2641959 is a new contributor to this site.

18/02/2025 19:33

99995 days, 18 hours

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