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I’ve been saying exactly the same thing

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As far as I can tell, easy/medium/hard all runescape gold 2007 reveal the exact same icon, it is only elites/masters that may be pretty wonky because not only is there the regular clue icon, but also the scanning clue and Eastern Lands clue is as well. It would be nice if these worked better.Honestly, with how rare these appear to be, I’d be in support of removing Deep Wilderness scan entirely. I’ve yet to receive this step in over 500 elites (although I’ve received Wilderness Volcano about 5 times, but this is quite easy to finish ).

The simple fact that Deep Wilderness’s scan place is very broad, together with the fact that you can’t double surge/BD concurrently, makes this hint an immediate jump. Wilderness compass since you’re able to triangulate their position clues are not this bad. Don’t get me wrong, I am probably like one of 10 people in runescape who actually enjoys wildy clues, but wildy scan sounds like it adds nothing good.

Ome pked pkers are also compensated by gear. The ancient warriors’ gear drops 10k I think. Electricity armour that is augmented gives sirenic piece, tect, or 1 malev to the pker. This shift will properly compensate pkers that pked runescape players employing this type of gear.Yeh, it’s pretty strange how it sometimes gives like 10% of the cost in money. This could address the problem for all tradable items. The value of untradables is still pretty weird (80k for an achto body??) So that they need to appear at those costs, but there aren’t that numerous untradable high-tier items to check.

I’ve been saying exactly the same thing for quite a while, a change such as this would be for sure. The combat system requires work in PvP, as others have said, but this seems like a nice stop-gap fix that will breathe life into the Wilderness, and can be followed by numerous tweaks and changes to how skills work in PvP (similar to how OSRS will tweak spec attacks and thing stats).Agreed, PvP requires a LOT of work, a lot of the ground work is already there (certain skills change in PvP compared to PvM of cheap rs3 gold, and most of armour has some form of PvP DMG decrease ) they simply need to be used fully.

03/01/2020 09:25

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