Lufthansa Airlines Nairobi Office 1-888-839-0502

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I had a great time working at the Lufthansa Airlines Nairobi Office. The personnel were polite, informed, and willing to help. My ticket questions were promptly answered, and they gave me thorough explanations of baggage regulations and flight modifications. The office had a friendly ambiance, was tidy, and was well-organized. The staff remained professional and made sure every customer was served quickly despite the long line. My visit was easy and hassle-free because of their commitment to providing excellent customer service. Their eagerness to assist and their patience were really appreciated. All things considered, I was quite pleased with their service and would suggest the Nairobi office for any need pertaining to Lufthansa.

21/03/2025 12:55

99993 days, 15 hours

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Gloria Jenkins

Listing Owner Member Since: 20/03/2025

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