74.120 €

Pair of Vintage Armchairs – Timeless Elegance for Your Space

Địa chỉ35 Passage des 5 rues 74120 Megève, FRANCE
Quận/huyệnSelect City
Tỉnh/Thành phốYên Bái
Quốc giaClassifieds for Foreign
Zip/Postal Code74120
RegionSan Francisco Bay Area
DN/Cn/Thương hiệuNorki

Upgrade your home with a pair of vintage armchairs that exude charm and sophistication. Crafted with premium materials and timeless designs, these armchairs offer both comfort and style. Perfect for classic and modern interiors, they add character to any room.

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11/03/2025 11:55

99998 days, 9 hours

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Listing Owner Member Since: 11/03/2025

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