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Poor Souls Prayers: How They Help Get the Poor Souls to Heaven Faster

Practice the attitude of  The Medici Code  gratitude. Yes, there is truth in the adage. Counting your blessings will shift your focus to those things which you DO have. You will realize that God does indeed provide abundantly for all your needs, physical, emotional and spiritual. Start a gratitude list and add to it ten things for which you are grateful each day. Seeing in print how God provides ALL your needs emphasizes the amazing providence of our Father. Have faith in His healing and believe that you have already received it from Him. In prayer boldly claim His promises, as they are precious and abundant. He desires your healing, your wholeness, your holiness. When you are whole and complete, you can serve Him and love Him more powerfully.

Celebrate your healing and share it! Once you have experienced radical – or even gradual – healing, give glory and thanks to God in the presence of others! Others will give thanks to God as well and long to grow closer to Him. They will see your reactions in the midst of adversity and marvel. Allow God to flow through you. Let your healing be a testimony to others. This will enhance your own healing and also spark the healing of others. Jesus commissioned us to go and make disciples of all nations. We are witnesses to His faithfulness, to His love…to His healing.
Well first of all, I want you all to rest assure, there is a life after death. Life on earth does not start and end here, despite what most scientist think. There is another finale destination for us all,if you believe it or not. In believing it though, makes the transition from here to there a little easier. That next life I’m talking about, is also, for the good and the bad. The believers and the ones with doubt, and even the outright non-believers. Of course, some will have it better than others in that next life though.

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