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Turmeric Benefits – Uncover the Turmeric Uses Discovered by the Ancients

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With honey – and nothing else, NigerianThe Bone Density Solution doctors were able to cure grievous wounds, burnings and ulcerations of skin in 59 patients, which were previously treated with conventional treatments using antibiotics with no substantial results. First, the doctors collected samplings of the injuries to be analyzed in the laboratory. The ensuing results showed that the infections were caused by common bacteria – therefore being more resistant to conventional treatment – as the Pseudomonad, found often in infections. As a result of these findings honey was applied to the affected areas. One week later, there were no signs of dangerous bacteria in subsequent laboratory tests. For the reason that it is very slightly acid, exceedingly sticky and absorbs water, the honey cleansed the wounds, decreased their size and protected them from fresh infections. According to the Nigerian doctors, honey also has the attribute of being a bactericidal agent.

14/10/2020 11:16

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Listing Owner Member Since: 13/05/2020
