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What are the Venmo Person to Person Limits?

Địa chỉ2605 Buck Drive
Tỉnh/Thành phốCà Mau
Quốc giaVietnam
Zip/Postal Code05602
RegionNorthern CA
DN/Cn/Thương hiệuVenmo Support
Điện thoại(+1(516)-951-0492)

Each Venmo account, once verified or not verified, has different limits for transactions made between accounts that have not yet been verified and unverified accounts. An unverified account’s Venmo limit includes payments made to merchants and users authorized by Venmo; once verified, however, your limit increases to $60,000. Once verified with personal details such as date of birth and social Security Number verification your weekly limit increases further to $120,000. Verified accounts have daily maximum Venmo transfer limit of $7,000. They reset every seven days rather than setting at any one-week limit per week reset!

Venmo transactions also impose limits. The maximum payment you can make at once with Venmo is $4,999.99; business profiles catering to entrepreneurs and freelancers may have higher limits.

06/03/2025 18:58

99998 days, 20 hours

Listing ID 63867c98da8929e3 16 total views, 16 today
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