The hidden cause of high blood pressure

The hidden cause of high blood pressureIf you’re like most folks, you will do anything to never have high blood pressure.And with good reason. It’s a well-known risk factor for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.There are some obvious factors that increase your blood pressure, like being overweight, smoking, not staying active, and stress.But not all causes are so obvious.In fact, there’s one HIDDEN cause of hypertension that can increase your risk by 49%.Fortunately, it’s easy to get under control.It’s easy to downplay just how serious gum disease is… until you’re dealing with its effects.The most obvious dangers include receding gums, bone deterioration—and ultimately tooth loss.The threat of dentures should be enough to scare people into taking care of their oral health…but the fact that about 47% of Americans over 30 years old have some form of gum disease would indicate otherwise.But studies over the years show that there’s also…
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