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Can’t Stick With Your Food Plan? Is This Why?

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Caffeine has many 30 Day Gut Reset  side effects such as high blood pressure, a racing heart, difficulty sleeping, irritability just to name a few. Caffeine is can also be very addicting. With many, especially the youth, it can lead to stronger stimulants like amphetamines.

Mixing caffeine and alcohol together can lead to disaster. The affects of the caffeine can be very deceptive because it can cause the person to feel less intoxicated than they really are. Although the person may not feel it, good judgment and motor skills may be greatly diminished. This can be treacherous when a young adult thinks they are sober and they jump in their car as a drunk driver, especially when the car is full of young adults.

14/10/2020 16:40

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Lyla Zarella

Listing Owner Member Since: 12/05/2020
