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Healing Via Inner Creative Emotional Acts

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As far as our purpose in life he put it this Meditation In A Bottle way, “You are learning how to be.” This is, but, one step of many”. Well, I guess as an immortal spiritual creature we do have plenty of time. I began to fade out, again.I was floating, bodiless in an utterly dark void, again. This time it was different. There was someone here with me. I could feel power, immense power. I cast around as before, there was nothing I could see. I felt him and he had incredible, immense power. I was afraid, for an instant, but then I felt there was a balance. There came a group of angels around me. These angels I could see and hear. They brought forth my life, so that I might know. We viewed every moment of my life. They emphasized the important events of my life.

13/10/2020 15:30

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Listing Owner Member Since: 13/05/2020
