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How to Burn Fat

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Hi there, my name is Letisha, and Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic I want to tell you about how I have lost 46 pounds in only two and a half months. I am a 36 year old married mother of three energetic children! Growing up I was always slim and athletic, and like many of us, after my first child, I just couldn’t seem to shed the extra pounds. The same thing happened after my second son was born, and after a while I just ‘let myself go’, and slowly my weight crept up to a horrifying 280 pounds! I have just gone through five years of trying every diet out there, with not much success. I either got too hungry so I gave up too quickly, or had such a lack of energy, I would reach for the carbohydrate snacks which had made me pile on the pounds in the first place!


06/10/2020 13:03

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Listing Owner Member Since: 13/05/2020
