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I have played WoW since vanilla

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Keep the necklace. In 8.2 they introduced the Essence system which allows you to power your necklace of wow gold with a few passive and active skills, and if you’re a new participant (as in, you do not have them on another character) getting some of these is quite very grindy and/or timelocked. Therefore, unless you’re wanting to do really large end content, in which case you are kinda screwed at this stage of the patch, then you can certainly get by with some serviceable essences rather than the ones to your role.

For information on resto druid I would check Icy Veins or Wowhead guides onto it, and if then you would like to go more in depth assess at the sources and don’t hesitate to ask questions there and join your course discord server they have. Then gear up a bit with world quests that give things and try to do the 8.3 intro questline which will give you your mythical cape.

Then, for gearing up, keep doing gear world quests as long as they fall an upgrade for youexactly the same with the emmisaries, and operate some Mythic 0 dungeons for loot. Doing some M + keys is also a good way to receive decent-ish loot from a source that is prized. Heroic dungeons are a thing but but the ilevel from raids and M+ has, so doing any other sort of material will fart out gear astronomically better than epic dungeons.

I have played WoW since vanilla and quit into BFA but I have been enjoying WOW Classic since it published. I have been considering coming back to retail to PvP but I’m interested what the barrier of entry would be for something similar to that in relation to grabbing up some characters and gearing for PvP. Am I really looking at months of grinding to be relevant or can I just jump in and perform now?I have one chief and a lot of alts. If I may work in the time and have not finished my intentions for the season for my main, I force myself to take action, While I feel like enjoying an alt. (If it is too hard to accomplish this, I reevaluate my objectives.) If I’ve completed them can’t work on them in the instant (e.g. I’d need one hour or longer for hard content and I am only on for 20 minutes), I often play alts and there’s nothing wrong with that.

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You don’t get gametime. When it comes to server pop it pertains to how many WOW players are on each realm. I would advise choosing a top or full people kingdom, and remain clear of”New Player” realms – I have heard some not good things about them from other people joining them. Those realms change an effort to boost their inhabitants I’m not entirely sure. It doesn’t matter that a kingdom has a population if you’re about the minority faction, a few servers are actually skewed towards horde or alliance. So a number of those servers that are large may feel barren simply. I think what is essential for your experience.

16/06/2020 10:20

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