Địa chỉIndian Restaurant - Bui Vien in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Tỉnh/Thành phốTP HCM
Quốc giaVietnam

People’s living standards have been improved day by day, domestic and foreign tourism needs have been especially developed. In particular, Indian tourists and Indian cuisine are increasingly popular in Vietnam. So when you want to enjoy Indian cuisine, where should you go? Join us to learn about Indian cuisine in Vietnam!

People’s living standards have been improved day by day, domestic and foreign tourism needs have been especially developed. In particular, Indian tourists and Indian cuisine are increasingly popular in Vietnam. So when you want to enjoy Indian cuisine, where should you go? Join us to learn about Indian cuisine in Vietnam!

Culinary characteristics of Indian

A characteristic of Indian culinary culture is the direct handling of food. The Indians believe that rice is the pearl of heaven, so they must use their hands directly to show respect. In addition, Indians believe that the concept of five fingers symbolizes natural elements such as heaven, earth, air, fire and water. So when eating by hand will stimulate the nerves in the hand at eating feels much more comfortable and delicious.

A special feature of Indian culinary culture is that the main food material is starch, including flour and rice. Lentils are a unique and popular food here, which can be immediately seen on the table of every Indian family that appears. India is a country that produces lentils and is also the largest consumer of lentils in the world.


Referring to the unforgettable Indian spices. India produces about 2.5 million tons of spices and exports 200,000 tons each year. This country is praised by the world as a paradise of spices. And the interesting thing is that there has been a purple onion crisis in India. This is one of the crises classified as one of the strangest crises on the planet. Of all Indian dishes, the most famous is curry.


Indian curry has many different types: dried curry or water curry, green or red curry, spicy curry or very very spicy curry Depending on the creativity of each chef, the traditional curry Today there are many different nuances, suitable for many customers. Usually this dish will be served with white rice or some rotti. This type of bread is made from flour with a simple but very delicious recipe. Eating at first feels very normal, but the more you eat it, the more you will be fascinated by its taste and charm. So when traveling in Vietnam, where should you enjoy Indian food?

Locations selling traditional Indian food in Vietnam

Starting from the love for the country and people of India. Spice India opens an Indian restaurant chain to supply in Vietnam in 3 tourist attractions such as:
Spice India – Indian Restaurant – Bui Vien in District 1
Spice India Restaurant Hoi An
Spice India Restaurant Phu Quoc

The dishes here are made from authentic Indian recipes. Especially bring consumers the most true experience of Indian culture and traditions. You can sip dishes on Indian menu and experience and talk about India together.


Spice India always brings the most comfortable, convenient and friendly space to customers. Especially we have home delivery service if you need to use food at home. Pick up the phone and contact us to enjoy the best food in the world!

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Indian Restaurant – Bui Vien in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Facebook | zalo | Hotline: 0764 499 825
Bùi Viện 97 – Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh 700000


07/03/2020 11:12

89847 days, 7 hours

Listing ID 3875e631f08b7da5 222 total views, 1 today
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