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keo dán loctite 426-20gr, loctite 426-20gr

Địa chỉ68, đường 27 P.BTĐ B Bình Tân.
Tỉnh/Thành phốToàn quốc
Quốc giaVietnam

Loctite® 426™ Gel, black, rubber toughened, one part, room temperature cure, instant adhesive designed for OEM assembly of porous, metal, rubber and selected plastics where running of adhesive is not permissable. Excellent peel, impact and sheer strength. Suitable for porous surfaces and vertical or overhead applications.

Keo 426, keo dán 426, keo dán loctite 426, loctite 426

Gọi: 039.831.9580


27/03/2020 15:21

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Listing ID 8565e7db762c26d6 31 total views, 1 today
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Listing Owner Member Since: 08/07/2019
