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Nutrition For Good Heart Health and a Positive Healthy Lifestyle

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Another surprise is bread. A Cretan Integrative Digestive Formula will eat three times more bread than their American counterpart. But they mainly eat wholemeal unprocessed bread.Meat and fish play only a small part in the traditional Cretan diet, grilled not fried. The main staples of the diet are fruit, beans, pulses and vegetables.This is slow food, prepared with fresh, local ingredients. Recipes are kept simple, with wild herbs adding flavour.Last but not least is the liquid accompaniment — wine. The benefits of red wine in moderation are well documented, and the Cretan diet gives a thumbs-up to this! At least one (but more often two!) glasses of wine will accompany the meal.All in all it sounds like a wonderful diet, plenty of bread, olive oil with everything — and a glass of wine or two with every meal!

17/10/2020 14:07

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Listing Owner Member Since: 13/05/2020
